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Summary about Activities and Results of CGTS
A brief summary about the concept of CGTS and the results of 10 years of controlled clinical trials for glomerulonephritis is available in English now. The article was published in Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1996; 19: 196-200. A copy can be requested(nbraun@uni-tuebingen.de)
from the study secretary.
20/ 07/ 96
6th Tübinger Glomerulonephritis Workshop held on 6. 7. 96
A brief summary about the
is available now.
6th Tübingen Glomerulonephritis Workshop 6th of July 1996
The next Tübingen Glomerulonephritis Workshop (Seminar) will be held in Tübingen from the 5th to 6th of July 1996. The workshop is entitled "Experimental Strategies for the Treatment of Glomerulonephritis". Basis science and clinical researchers will discuss new possiblilties for the treatment of glomerulonephritis. The meeting is open to the public.
and additional information(nbraun@uni-tuebingen.de)
is available.
English abstracts of the 5th Tübingen Seminar
The English abstracts of the 5th Tübinger Glomerulonephritis Workshop
about Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis are available now. The abstracts give some insight in the ongoing research work of the CGTS. We also emphasize the close contact to related specialities of medicine, i.e. Rheumatology. Prof. Euler, rheumatologist and main investigator of the Lupus Plasmapheresis Study Group gave a state-of-the-art lecture
about conventional therapy protocols in lupus. First results of a new therapeutic approach for most severe lupus
cases involving immunoadsorption onto protein-A sepharose without any other immunosuppression was presented as well.
English abstracts of the 3rd Tübingen Seminar
The English abstracts of the 3rd Tübingen Seminar
about focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis are available now. I apologize for the delay.
Abstracts of the 3rd Tübingen Seminar
The German abstracts of the 3rd Tübingen Seminar
with the topic focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis are available now.
Publication of the 5th Tübingen Seminar
We are happy to announce the publication of our 5th Tübingen Seminar in Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Volume 24 (December) 1995. The workshop was dedicated to systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis. There were presentations about basic immunology of lupus, clinical features and different therapeutic approaches, i.e. immunoadsorption via protein-A sepharose. Abstracts will be available in the near future on this server. In the meantime, abstracts are available in German
only. English abstracts should be available in Current Contents soon.
X-Mass and New Year Greetings
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, the study secretary wishes to our members and all the people out there interested in the therapy of glomerulonephritis.
We will shortly present a new (and the first English) GN-Bulletin with information about the Cochrane Collaboration and the last meeting of the study group in November 1995. An update about the results is planned for January or February.
Until then ...
With best wishes
the study secretaries
Norbert Braun und Brigitte Hipp
This little painting was created by my 21 months old daughter Vanessa, for christmas 1995.
Meeting of CGTS
The next meeting of the members of the CGTS is during the congress of the Society of
Nephrology in Jena, 26th of September 1995, at 14.00 hrs, meeting room of the Dean of the
University, University Main Building, Fürstengraben 1. Subjects are: Report of the secretary, anti-ICAM-1 in RPGN, immunoadsorption in SLE, immunoadsorption in FSGS, high dose
immunoglobuline therapy in IgA-Nephropathie.
2. Internet World Congress of Biomedical Science
For more information look up: WWW-Server http://www.medic.mie-u.ac.jp (internet-link: "http://www.medic.mie-u.ac.jp/ANNO/ANNO.html")
3. Cochrane Colloquium in Oslo
the Cochrane Colloquium is held in Oslo from 4th to 10th of October 1995. Norbert Braun and
Anton Daub will attend this meeting as representatives of the CGTS. More information to the
members of the CGTS will be available in due course.
The newest Newsletter of the
has just arrived and may be
Letter from Prof. H. H. Euler
Prof. Euler, Kiel, wrote us in his letter dated the 07/19/95 that our activities concerning the
immunoadsorption in patients with lupus are welcome and that the actual communication should
be intensified.
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